Why Micro-Learning Works to Achieve Your Training Goals

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Declining Attention Span According to a Microsoft study from 2015, People have less attention span than that of a goldfish. It shows that a goldfish can stay interested in something for nine seconds while people, on average, clock in at 8 seconds, which is down from 12 seconds in 2000 and getting shorter all the time. Therefore, our attention span is even lower than eight seconds in 2018.

Thus, creating micro online courses can lead to great results in terms of your trainee engagement and retention rates. Micro-learning goes hand in hand with the principle, “If you can’t beat it, join it.” There is no doubt that you can’t beat the shrinking attention span. So, consider embracing the micro-learning approach.

In the year 2014, only 33 percent of companies were satisfied with their manual training programs and nearly half said more technology-based learning tools were needed, according to a study conducted by APQC. This explains why the majority of participants said they would be offering mobile training by 2020. This dissatisfaction led to the need for a more flexible, in-time and interactive learning, which is micro-learning.

Learning as an Ongoing Process According to trainer Ravi Sankar Venna, learning is a process of life, a pinnacle of the attitude, and the vision of the universe. The day we stop learning new things either professionally or personally, literally, it would be the end of life. Dr. Abdul Kalam, a former Indian president, affirmed that “Learning gives creativity, creativity leads to thinking, thinking provides knowledge, knowledge makes you great.” So, learning is a process. If we stop learning and thinking, then there is no creativity and knowledge in our lives. Learning is therefore not a onetime task, but a lifetime process. And a micro-learning approach offers this continuous learning.

Real-Life Examples of the Impact of Micro-learning

A certain Boston based company trading on recycled electronics found that due to lack of clarity, their associates lost revenue dollars and new training was needed for hundreds of them on how to do more accurate product trade. Through micro-learning, they rolled out a series of short training videos about how their trade-in program works. Within two weeks, accuracy showed double-digit improvement.

Faced with constant and rapid evolution in customer service requests among its over 5,000 hotels all over the world, an intercontinental hotels group needed a new kind of training that could keep pace with the increasing complexity of customer requests. The company previously relied upon periodic classroom training which did not yield much, but after adopting micro-learning lessons accessible to reps on any device at any time, the bite-sized training worked well. Within just two days of launching the new system, their workers in five countries had accessed more than 5,500 lessons.

Finally, “What people need to know hasn’t changed, but how they learn it has,” Deloitte Consulting Director Jennifer Stempel told his Workforce. “It’s about offering new platforms that enable employees to be in control of how they access learning.” And this is why you should embrace the micro-learning approach in this digital era.

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